Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Felt in its glorious forms

A few years ago I went to a jewelry and metalsmithing conference at MassArt. This conference was unusual for that industry because we all explored with new materials and learned together with hands on techniques. At this conference, I had my first exposure to felt.

Felt is created by aggravating the little burs on wool fabrics so they catch together and become one piece of material. Most felting is done with water, called wet felting, but using a long needle with burs to entangle wool fibers, known as needle felting, also works well. There is also the felting of crocheted and knitted fabrics to make them denser, smaller, and firmer but this is actually a technique called fulling.

Check out what some amazing artists are doing with these techniques:

Cool bowls done by fulling that make great handmade gifts.
created by Papaver Vert

Cool little needle felted bunnies made by Moxie

Amazing Necklace by Danielle Gori-Montanelli

1 comment:

Pamela said...

That necklace is sooo cool.
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